Thursday, February 2, 2017

Plaster Sculpture

Plaster Sculpture

Sculpture is done with many different mediums. One of them is plaster. Plaster is a super versatile medium that can be used to sculpt, Make molds, and many other things. Plaster also holds a practical purpose, and its really useful. Here are some examples of art made with plaster.


  1. I really like the variety of sculptures you showed in this blog it shows that many things can be created with this one medium

  2. I really enjoyed looking at the photos on this blog because each of the pieces you have posted are so unique. I also enjoyed seeing the different ways that plaster gause can be used and seeing how even though it is a rough material, it can be made to look smooth.

  3. These are great examples of art made with plaster. I agreed with what Brigid said :). This blog post is so neat.
