Sunday, October 9, 2016

Frank Stella

Frank Stella

Frank Stella was an American artist born in 1936.
He originally did abstract paintings with the belief that these paintings were nothing more than an image, paint on a canvas. This means his abstract paintings existed only for their value as an aesthetic choice. Nothing more and nothing less. Just something to look at.

He eventually shifted to Three Dimensional art in the 80's, which is what will I'll be talking about in this blog.

A lot of his sculpture has this similar visual aesthetic of the geometric insanity, it has fairly identifiable shapes, mixed together in a way that creates a chaos. This goes for the colors as well, with there being a lot of geometric inspiration, mixed with very loud colors creates an amazing visual aesthetic.

This Sculpture by Frank is another example of that sporadic visual style, although it is isn't as intense as the last example I've shown.

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