Friday, October 14, 2016

Negative Space

Negative Space

Negative Space is the area around the art, it could just be a blank background, or a splash of color. But Negative Space can be used in really creative ways. It can be a way to bring new depth to the art!

Edward Tufte

The way simple shapes are used in this sculpture to create an image, that could be different depending on the person, although I see a very minimalist face.

Sukhi Barber

This Sculpture does the same thing, but in a greater way I think, as not only is there an image within the sculpture, but the sculpture itself is art, unlike the image above, which uses negative space, but it doesn't really bother with the sculpture itself. This image also has great symbolism included in the piece. 

Matteo Pugliese

This sculpture is an amazing integration of negative space, and the sculpture itself. It does an amazing job of blurring the lines between the negative space, and the sculpture itself.

Figurative wire sculpture of standing man with yellow shirt

Lisa Fedon.

I like how the Sculpture is focused more on the negative space than the positive, as there isn't much of it to begin with. It's like a 3D illustration.

Image result for sculptures including negative space

Bruno Catalano 

I like the way this sculpture just looks, the people, and the bench they're interacting with all look as if they've had a bite taken out of them, and the negative space really brings a feeling of whats gone from these statues is really missing, it brings a good sense of emptiness.


  1. I really liked the art that you choosed for this blog. Each piece is different in its own way and it looks really cool.

  2. All the pictures are cool and great examples of negative space!

  3. All the pictures are cool and great examples of negative space!

  4. These photos really caught my eye! Very good examples of negative space. perfect blog right here! My favorite was the last photo.

    1. Also, great job adding names of the artists. I really enjoyed that.

  5. These are really amazing examples of negative space and I love that you included a variety of artists and artwork to look at rather than just showing one artist. My two favorites have got to be the Edward Tufte sculpture and the Matteo Pugliese (wire?) sculpture.

  6. I like the explanation of negitove space,I dont think Ive seen art like this before so its very new to me.
